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The new Pakedge RT-3100 Gigabit Router with BakPak is the latest addition to the Pakedge line, giving you a go-to, high-performance router perfect for the jobs dealers install every day. The RT-3100 delivers gigabit WAN-to-LAN throughput for fast, reliable performance customers require.
Designed for a fast install, the RT-3100 offers an intuitive user interface and streamlined configuration, making installs more efficient and ensuring faster deployments. The RT-3100 provides a customizable firewall that enables more granular control of network traffic. Its advanced VLAN and policy management allows dealers to configure access between VLANs down to the device and port level.
The RT-3100 also has BakPak remote management built in, enabling dealers to proactively manage and monitor their customer's network and connected devices such as automation, lighting, entertainment, and more. BakPak enables dealers to deliver proactive customer service, streamline their business, and tackle more jobs.
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